Saturday, June 16, 2007


have you ever been so upset
you lost the words to describe

Friday, June 15, 2007

Too Much

Love is blind, as far as the eyes can see,
Deep and meaningless words to me,
Easy lover, I need a friend,
Road to nowhere, twist and turns but will this never end,
Well he pleases me, But sometimes illusion ain't no revolution,
That ain't release for me
Too much of something is bad enough,
But something coming over me to makes me wonder,
Too much of nothing is just as tough,
I guess we're running out of time too fast,
Too much of something is bad enough,I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied,
What part of no, don't you understand,I want a man not a boy who thinks he can,
Boy who thinks he can,
Too much of nothing, so why don't we give it a try,
Too much of something, we're gonna be living a lie.

Monday, June 11, 2007

first laser

first laser...
i went in ...
the space is big, the machine is humongous
i didn't see all but the therapist told me
beside moving forward and backward, where i was being laid can move left and right too
after about 10 minutes lying and being measured on the face
suddenly i feel like scratching my right cheek, but i can't, not a single muscle is able too...
that's what they want, and the mask for ...
another 10 minutes gone,
they put the mask on me ...
again pressing my nose
once, twice , the try to fixed it for the right
another 15 minutes gone ...perhaps
so they are starting...
i counted the most laser session is 5 times
dragging the longest 36 sec
it ended ....
har~~ i took so darn long to put the mask and being measured by them ...but only 36S?


if not u are sick and needed to operated twice,
i would not have been so tired and had to visit u in the hospital
and now doing laser, is the same thing
i'm so tired and i'm having headache
i had enough of you

by beloved X

i'm sorry

by Sky

Rotten Apple

two years ago...precisely april by then
i picked up a sweet,tasty, looks temptin in every part of the apple
i hold no grudge and took a bite
how could any sane resist
but the bite ...abit sour ,abit bitter
i thought i can nurture this apple to become an golden apple
day and night, i guard by the apple
the apple changes its colors
sometimes blue,
sometimes green,
i had seen funny colours rising and never have a single doubt
mostly red
fire burning red
still i stood by its side ...
rainy days i would afraid its gets cold
sunny days i would afraid its get hot
its often talk to me thorough its colour
its said i nag alot ....
i took so much pride and effort endlessly no matter what
the colour i have seen and haven't see

i learnt my lesson...
if is sour and bitter at fist bite
never temp to nurture
after 2 long guarding years
its still bitter and sour

if is a rotten apple, it will always be A rotten apple.

nothing than a manicure ...

with girlie flower design..

on a rough sunday

This time is yellow ..last time is blue ...previous is getting tired

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