Wednesday, September 19, 2007

life still goes on....

Monday, September 17, 2007


before the sun rise...
before i still have a strong vivid flash shot...
Donald Duck promises me
1) watch Royal London Circus
2) Luna Bar
3) Sky Bar
4) Coyote joint
5) Maison
6) Rum jungle
7) ....shit i forgotten...
think ..think...think not fail me now ...
8) celebrate my birthday
9) suprise me !
10) suprise me continuous...
11) still continuous...
you better ciao before my memory works on me ...

17092007- Duckie and aloha

17092007- Let's Duck boggie...

170920070- "Muhibah" session...simi,william and aloha

17092007- William trying his best flaunt...

17092007- Dianna and aloha

08092007- Ranjit and Loft

13092007- look at that anthena ...extra -ordinary- telapath to next univers me~~

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