Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Only to loose it only, you realize you have it once ...

Monday, April 25, 2005

Numb Once Again

Nil feeling on touches
Nil feeling on sense of hearing
Nil feeling on sense of seeing
Nil feeling on sense of taste
the world seem grayish
hhm..more black dot than white dot
the world seem gray

where are you?
where are you? tall..just he's taller...nop ..nop..not short at all..nop..nop..don crosss that line..nop..he's just taller than me by bits...yes bits

since he can't fight the V he joined ahaha...

---asf, mua and eeeerrrr...daniel...

ermm..same..some1 trying to capture me..ahah..

erm..forgotten nite..ss2 mamak...

09-04-05 - with Azman...

09-04-05 - Asf with mua and jac after C.F.G ehehe...striking for the best

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