What you gonna do
what you gonna do when time coming after you...
what you gonna do when you try and tried but not thing happen
what you gonna do when people mistreat you
what you gonna do when disappointment is your so call best friend
what you gonna do when irritation is your neighbour not to mention fear, hated, and agony, anxious...
what you gonna do in order to find that
serendipity where all the positive elemenst is
you cry not bcuz of sadness and choken agony but cuz over joy..over excited..
when will i taste a peice of this?
to where shall i seek for wise man wisdom..wise enough to see beyond all the mortal
to where shall i seek for positive energry where i should be embrace by it
to where shall i seek for strongness to be able to lift me up through bad times...
drowning in a pool of black murky thought ..sinking deeper as i watch my thinking driving me...
kicking hardly so i could see the surface again and taste the fine wind...
switching thnking method is the hardest while it can be just like a coin with 2 faces...
flip..and flip and flip...
sunny day, windy day....
took me haf an hour this time ...is all depend on own thought bringing us to our destination...