Wednesday, March 02, 2005

the man said you know what i fear the most
you know, you know : the man said

the girl remain silent...she listen with her heart

the man said i will hurt you, you will leave me
the man said i don't want to hurt you yet i will
the man said let's not get to serious in love
the man said it leads to sadness

the girl remain silent...she listen with her heart

[ i do not know will you hurt me, you love me much, there such places you will hurt me, for you love me much, if you don't love me, still you hurt me. ]

[ i will not leave you, for i never leave you once, i was just invisible. My role haven't come yet...the script hasn't role to my part. When my part come...i will come in full trotal. ]

[ love is not meant to be serious but passion. passion brought concentration and addiction. i'm addicted to love, addicted to such a way, only you i see. ]

[ there's no sadness, there will not be happiness. there's no happiness, i will not feel sadness.]

if you just believe

what ever you believe, the mind can conceive.

when you have strong hold,
when you have strong belief
you do not need to convince
you do not need to prove
for is with you
for is in you
action speaks lounder than words
when you belief, you have strong enthuasicm
when you have strong enthuasicm
you will generate the passion
when you generate passion, you are focus
when you are focus, you are concentrating
you are not lost
you have goal to aim
the passion will attract the amount of attention
the amount of attention will attract the crowd
the crowd will attract the right kind of people
the right kind of people will attract to you
and wanted to work hand in hand with you.
for the power of facts are sturborn
for the power is goodness,
no 1 can deny nor denial

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