Monday, July 31, 2006

i know...

who am i ...
basically i think i know myself well nouf
certain people judge me before i utter a word
worst still
before i lift my smile ...

i am use to the crowds thinks im 19
i am use to the crowds thinks im small (in thought)
used to the perception of people have too
oohh..she's young
ohh...she's fresh
oh...she's ...

Is O.Ki do not need to dress agaisnt my will to prove it
i do not need to walk a old man to label as wise
i do not need to talk slowly to indicate im mature
im just me...
i laughed at my joke silly
i laughed at slight little things
i jump whenever im excited
my eyes blink where there's thing which intrest me ..
my eyes will try hard to blink although no curiousity aroused
i will look blur when i dont seem to get the idea of it sure any homo sapein will be blur too
yes...i must be bold...
living the past 24yrs...was i bold?
wat's bold?

lady boss

lately, unfortunely...i joined a co. who's manage by a lady
now..there's no discrimination but as old saying ..never works for lady boss,they are fussy and prove a certainty...they are right!

i work for a 33 plus female creature who's married to a MaT SalleH and drvies a BMW and proundly own a heavy loft of 2 karat rings which she wears day in night out on her 4th finger (belief to be her wedding ring) and has a terrible English Slang whenever she talks to client and it will auto shut off (slang)when she talks to us.

i often have deep thought, how did she make it ..must be some secret or something that she sees and i don't or she just plain genius...standing just inches taller than me ...i often wonders when could i have my small little empire where there are employee (soldier) to my chanting incase my husband shut off his ear and i have nowhere to let out ...haah..probably thus is what she faces now in her thirties

often..i be asking the same question ' will i be like her' as she utter words doesnt seem like a mature and capable woman, for she has no quality of leadership at all but hey look at her...she is raising 10 persons At a go and not to mention a husband and a baby at home ....


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