Thursday, September 10, 2009


my appetite for endurance has achieve till amount of i cant even recognize myself. Been insomnia for nights, grumpy, lifeless, restless....

i come across to believe big is not grand. Let's me explain this theory details ...why.

A house doesn't mean A home

1. 6 human and a bitch living under 2 big double storey link house but ...

- a small electrical pot is our only source of drinking water
- water came out from the filter is golden brown.
- small filter has a big filter outside leads to same out come, water comes out is golden brown. Go figure what's.
- raise a bitch (toy dog) but never ever takes her to groomer and parts of her fur is in the drinking water. Basically anywhere and sometimes i wonder how does her fur gets into my car.
- there's NO give and take in this house. They live by the 3 rule
1. Take
2. Take
3. Take
- The tap water for bathing is amount capacity of 10 dogs at the sanme time.
- The master of the house has a hobby. She's only 1 who has no jobs to do except maintaining house clean but she quited this job since god knows when.
- the dog kennel hasn't been clean exact 1 year. I cleaned it, a year ago.
- the cloth covering the piano hasn't been clean for 1 year as well.
- lemon slices changed its colour from yellowish to dark brown and with unpleasant smell tag along, flies are near to be seen- she said this will clean the dishes remarkably.
- The master places food in a tray inside oven without washing it for a year and night times that tray is a resting point for lizards.
- This huge house has a dog but she's very hospitality. She share her food with cats and even invited them in to poo and pee.

i can continue this topic for 3 nights non stop. But ...let god do her job. my job just to be patience.


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