Monday, May 14, 2007

a dream come true

what should i write about,...aaahh i finally don have to wake up early to rush to work but i woke up earlier than before ...because of the steroid bored at home ..but din this a dream come true..haahha i din wanted to work and wanted to stay at home...and now
ta da....
i get to stay for another 'god's know..'

i still couldn't feel much of my seem like it doesn't belongs to me ...i lost my right hearing so is a bit eggy sometimes...but i guess all is ok.

dad been showing me article of different walk of life people with cancer...disease..abit pathetic to me i dun wish t0 read all those but the old man tossed to me, i had to read it ...i still remember the 1st i read..a lady 26/27 married..semi-conscious diagnosed with brain tumor while carry a baby, now the baby is a year old toddler but she is still semi- conscious.

not so happy ehh....

next ...19 years old male after SPM, diagnosed with cancer ...went to amputate the leg but eventually spread till its lungs and went for another operation to place a tube under the throat but got infection and ....something happened and died...this is more saddening....

i told myself ...i haven visit Disneyland...have a hubby and carry his baby

what i want now is ...the tumor right behind my eye ( where the MRI scan shown) to slide down to the throat and shrink 30% better ...disappear haaha....


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