Sunday, August 17, 2008

Can we really have it all

Ever a time you felt everything is so right on track makes you wondering what’s wrong. It’s funny human sometimes ask for trouble when there is none. We, mortal been train to adopt and nurture the mindset -if we want something really really bad, we need to get burn at least twice, jump off a cliff thrice, shred tears thousands tones etc. It seem there is no easy way in getting what we want than a scoop of baskin robins.

Somewhere, someone will try to make our so call easy life hard or harder. Just when you start to adopt the thinking totally over him. There he was / is again. ‘Beep beep’ the messenger. Ring tone that stop hearing for months suddenly get a little familiar round the block.

How can you deal with ex just there’s a new position on him has already been taken up?

Can we have all or just to end up all or nothing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still on the same topic? Get over it already. Time to move on. You are a pretty gal. Stop clinging on the past since u already said the position has been taken. He didn't treat you right before, he will not treat you right again if you go back to him. There's a bigger world out there.

4:28 PM  

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