Jacqueline the Jus do it Att

Jan 15, 2005 Jacqueline at suntect city havin festa with me, my biz partner, my buddy, my torch light, my guidance
this site is dedicated to her, Jacqueline.
From a stranger of another nation to being my friend.
From a friend turning me into her business partner.
From a business partner turning me into part of her life.
From a small part of her life, placed a big part in me.
From a lost soul, she shead her lights.
From a employee, all sudden i become a Owner.
From nothing, becoming somebody.
she mould me to achieve dreams i possibly lost it
she mould me to gain knowledge and skill at the same time earning $$$
she travel across regardless length and regardless time, to coach me
she's too value that money can't BE weight
Just can't get enough of her...
Just can't stop thanking her...
I believe in Her ToTally
for, what she sees in ME
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