Saturday, September 03, 2005

Waves of relationship

The door opens, i closed my eye..pretend im sleeping as a pig..but the noise woke me up..the hard deep breathing..He's breathing heavyly...when he turned me over..i saw his eyes were red, his face looks like a volcano...he definitely in a mess.

what happened...can you tell me
...... ( im tying hard to retain my peace , and my chi and emotion )
what happened...can you tell me
what happened...can you tell me

i guess the echo repeated itself times over my i glare into his eye..there i saw a man desperately wanted a peace in the mind..hoping i could just blow off all his anger ...

i dint want to talk nor feel like talking ...i showed a chat ..of Past and Present

he grabed me to sit on his thigh, clinging hard on my waist...i hardly breathe...but the feeling of secure and needed is sense though this motion...i moved slightly ...he clinged even i connected rightfully or aimlessly, no conclude answer but there that moment..the force of his ..forcing me and telling me desperately, he won't let go...he needed me.

Sudden my arm hurt, he's clinging me harder than ever like never before...

suddenly we are in a caos , commotion...but everything is in within control...

we smiled silently ..yes...words lies beneath everything now ...he has comes a long way to show himself...

He said : why won't you believe me , i lied and i stop, i learnt..i wanted to show the past that im not naive, she cursed me ..i feel a jab in the heart...he looks deeply into my eyes, repeating his words..No i don't have ..i stoped. would you just believe me...would you ...he repeated times through times hoping it will stick to my hard thick skull...i came down, i cant concentrate on anything when you do not listen to my calls, answering me..i cant take the silent treatment,,i knew you too well...when i heard your voice, i knows what going through your mind...please rest your mind on my heart.

Everytimes when a argue hitted, just like a stormy passing through the seashore ...the wave engulfed the stone..hitting it everytime harder than ever ..but after awhile see rainbow, you see clear sky and skinny stars...this is happening exactly in him and me...the sense which no matters what happened ..or what caused it to happen, is alright ...because the shinny stars is worth every single storm that strike through...the natural..even in the relationship..the spices makes things tough, but the tough gets going ..and going ...its kinda mould 2 person to become diamonds hearted ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Hodder on the Flickr - Yahoo ID flap
I was struck by Mary Hodder 's take on the Flickr - Yahoo ID issue because I think she does a better job of articulating the emotional attachment aspect than I did: "Yahoo reset my cookie last week for Flickr.
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