Friday, January 07, 2005

a love story

>> a young girl attracted to a boy she's been with for merely 2 months. she loves this boy alot without any questions. Might be his eyes, she tells herself everytime she feels miserable.
Might his charisma, might be his magnetic charm,
might be his character, might be his personality.
She didn't knows.
Days passed and turn into month.

Months passed turn intoYear.
Year passed turn into Years.
They seperated after 2 months, she was still very in love with him...

after the day she graduated from high school, deep down beneath her heart and soul, the name of the boy never vanished before...she brings the memories of 'him' with her...

Through high times and low times...
she date and dated other boys
she saw and sees other boys

Deep down she never knows that she still loves the boy alots,till when she was dating in college time,she met him, the boy. In a skating ring...the feeling rises up fanatically...she couldnt sleep for nights. she couldnt stop thinking then...

still life goes on...

year leap into years
she realized she loves the boy now becomes a man.
a Man with high career minded...
a Man she thought is not meant for her...
a Man who prefer friends than relationship...
a Man who she will never, can never have him by herself
Still she loves him alot, she asked god " is this love?should it be this way?"
for he's only receives but never gives
for she's willing to give if there are chances to...
she waits for her turn...
time after times...

life still goes on...

Now the man, came to her and tell her, 'i love you'
she melts,she cry,she was like a baby,
crawling under his arm...holding him tighter and tightier.
hope the day will never end,the phone will never rings,the clock will stop ticking.
so she will forever covered by his arm,under his arm and sensing his heartbeats

but life goes on...

Now the man, diseppear...
he left without a trace, without a note, without a call,
without a signal...
he left her..
he left her...
she was heartbroken
she asked god ' is this a test?'
she asked god ' will he comes back?'
she asked god 'please give me another chance, i will not ask anything anymore from him, nothing. I be Good.'

life goes on...

God granted her wish
she met him back.He said 'i still love you'
she melt,
she was under his arm once again...
this time she feels is real, is real...she keeps telling herself,
she keeps looking at him,
for she fears tomorrow
the man kisses her...
she felt nothing matters anymore...nothing matters
she has him,she has him..that's all she wanted for the years ..
years of undying feeling hidden beneath her deepest darkest part,
the man has successfully once again unleash her feeling for him.
he left

he said
' i'm not ready in a relationship,
' i will not be serious'
' find a man, who treats you the best'
'i wanted to be with you yet i'm not ready'
' i honestly love you'
' i will call you when i miss you'

he left
he left

life goes on...

the girl heartbroken
the girl cry and cried through the night
the girl was sad...
the girl asked god
' is this my last chance?'
'is this what i get?'
'thank you for giving another chance for me'
the girl locked the memory of 'him' with her...
the girl decided she will no longer let this man hurt her.
decided that she deserves better,decided he's doesn't belongs to her,decided to overcome him,decided to forget him...the girl deleted his number,although she doesn't calls him often,
the girl deleted everything,
but she failed to delete her feeling for him

life goes on...

Now, the man tells her
' i honestly love you, 2 years. give me 2 years'

he doesn't know the girl has already indirectly waited for him for 6 years
he doesn't know he could just swept the girl away with just 1 look
he doesn't know he could takes her breathe away with just a word
he doesn't know how much the girl loves him
he doesn't know the girl willing to spend her life with him eventhough he has nothing
he doesn't know the girl waitninf for a 'yes'

he doesn't know
he doesn't know...
he doesn't know
he will never know....

Now, the girl cries...
she asked him ' am i the only 1'
she wanted to ask him 'am i that lucky to have you after 2 years'
she did not ask...
she fears for the answer

he left...

life still goes on...

she still luv the man...


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